I am not, absolutely not, a 'customer' of the HMRC. They do not sell me anything I want. I am a 'taxpayer'. Which of course, they aren't.
Similarly there are signs on the back of a local free shuttle bus 'Sponsored by XYZ County Council and ABC Borough Council'. No it bloody well isn't. This service is sponsored (or more accurately, subsidised) by the tax payer/rate payer.
Bastards. Death's too good for them.
So Called Auditors
34 minutes ago
Unfortunately, I cannot seem to read that file off your hard-drive: file:///C:/Users/stevef/AppData/Local/Microsoft/Windows/Temporary%20Internet%20Files/Content.Outlook/VQ1I5HGF/email.mht
And the absolute path indicates it may not be around for very long anyway...
PJH - Ooops. Now I can't get the hot link working at all.
hang on...
...OK. Fixed - I think
"I am not, absolutely not, a 'customer' of the HMRC."
Indeed, who else can you deal with concerning your taxes? If you cannot take your custom elsewhere, you are not a customer.
"If you cannot take your custom elsewhere, you are not a customer."
Well, technically, since they are paid out of taxes from the private sector, are they not our employee, in much the same way as MPs are?
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