… in Berlin.
To sum up that article from Spiegel, the Berlin "Verwaltungsgericht", which translates as "administrative court" has told the Berlin "Landesamt" which is the lowest instance, that it cannot simply ban the Uber taxi app on such spurious grounds and the original ban has been lifted pending a full decision of the court (quite which one is not clear).
So the lawyers will be earning themselves silly putting in increasingly meaningless counter-applications and counter-counter-applications.
Exactly the same thing happened when the city of Hamburg tried to ban Uber back in July, that was promptly suspended by the Hamburg administrative court.
So Called Auditors
35 minutes ago
They'll have to find some grounds that aren't an EU competence to ban it on presumably?
Long live our friend deregulation! Liberate cheap labour from learning the Knowledge in London.Workers always earn more by being deskilled.
@DBCR - Luddite?
Lower qualifications for high end lawyers (and accountants)then everybody can do it and be very wealthy.
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