From City AM:
Brussels set to make payouts for farmers hit by Putin’s sanctions
EUROZONE fruit and vegetable farmers hit by the Russian government’s food sanctions are set for a payout, with Brussels pledging €125m (£99.9m) in compensation to those affected yesterday.
The action is designed to help prop up food prices in the single market. Dacian Ciolos, the EU’s agriculture commissioner, said that the action was meant to “reduce overall supply of a number of fruit and vegetable products” so that there would not be too much downwards pressure on prices.
So Called Auditors
46 minutes ago
So we are paying money through our taxes to ensure that we pay more for our fruit and veg.
Hempen rope is far too luxurious for Dacian Ciolos and his ilk.
They've got land, give them money.
VFTS, Phys, yes, that is how it works :-)
It seems to me that the EU is just a big business cartel.
Lower prices are a bad thing. Where have I heard that before?
BJ: to be fair, the "lower prices is bad" idea was originally invented by the landownerists, but adopted by keynesians and other people of good intentions like it was their own baby...
IH, by and large, yes. That's the main reason I don't like the EU.
BJ, well spotted.
Kj, I think "keynesians" might say that they want to keep demand high or wages high, but do they want to keep specific prices high?
You are missing the political dimension that these people are being compensated for losing money on the not very intelligent policy of riling Putin by pushing up on his borders.You would have thought the Not Very Intelligent class would have tried to develop free market trade (energy one way; fruit and veg the other)but they're hot for this new idea instead:cold war. Pretty expensive last time.
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