Maybe I've spent too much time at children's carol services and watching police reality shows on the telly, but to me it all sounds like this:
Our Father, who art under arrest,
Hallowed be thy suspicion.
Thy kingdom come,
Thou doth not have to say anything
On earth as it is in heaven.
But it may harm our daily bread,
If you do not forgive when questioned
Anything we do say.
Forgive us our trespasses,
As we later rely on those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from evidence in court.
In some Roman Catholic congregations, it is also considered acceptable for the village idiot to jump up towards the end and shout "So tonight thank God it's them inste-ead of you!"
Starmer’s authoritarian instincts
9 hours ago
"Forgive us our debts as we have also forgiven our debtors." Matthew 12:6
RS, there's a Homeys' Prayer as well:
"Our Father, who restricteth planning permission... [etc]"
As a Presbyterian I would of course say the "debtors" version is correct. Not gonna lie, the first time I attended service at Crown Court that one blindsided me.
RS, RA, wow, I've learned something new today.
Link here.
"Our Father, who restricteth planning permission...
I'd like to read the rest!
Is a shocker right. Bible is pretty amazing even if you don't believe in Him. Old Test' is excellent too if taken in context:
Biblical Economics
Same thing happened independently in China. Its happening here right now!
Why I'm proposing a Jubilee to kick start the economy. Because all the alternatives are worse.
See link here:
Individualists will oppose this fiercely. They are mistaken in thinking it is utilitarianism, "the greater good".
Oops forgot to mention, the bible seems to have been translated over the centuries to obscure this and to support the law of the landlord.
i.e. The meek shall inherit the Earth, Matthew 5:5
Used to read, the meek shall inherit the "LAND"
By jubilee the good guys would always get their land restored to the commons. LVT would do it (:
There are many others.
Happy the meek -- because they shall inherit the land
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