From Science Daily:
Among women who drank boiled coffee more than four times a day there was a lowered risk of breast cancer compared with women who drank coffee less than once a day. Among women who drank filtered coffee there was an increased risk for early breast cancer (under 49 years old) and a decreased risk for late breast cancer (over 55 years old). Boiled-coffee drinkers, but not filtered-coffee drinkers, also had an increased risk of pancreatic cancer and lung cancer among men.
Does that mean that women are supposed to stop drinking boiled coffee and start drinking filtered coffee at age 55 or not? Do men fare better by drinking filtered coffee or no coffee at all? And so on.
Starmer’s authoritarian instincts
4 hours ago
"All medical rsearch is rubbish" is a better approximation to the truth than almost all medical research.
Your average coffee nerd knows that coffee needs to be made with water that is OFF the boil. How do fussy females do compared to woman who can't be bothered to wait?
D, the research may well have been thorough, but the garbled reporting always gives that extra twist.
Anon, I'm a big fan of 'boiled coffee'. Boil water in pan. Chuck in ground coffee. Boil it a bit more. Pour off the top bit carefully into cup. Drink.
It means we need to drink more coffee so as to prevent these chances of breast cancer.
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