Wednesday 16 June 2010

Giant Sinkhole Of The Week

Further to the one that appeared in Guatemala at the start of the month, there's another biggie in China, see The Daily Mirror:

Presumably, it has something to do with MMGW, Gaia getting her revenge or something.


Steven_L said...

Yeah apparently the world is going to end on 21st December 2012 and we're going to see a lot more stuff like this.

Any ideas the best place to hide out?

AntiCitizenOne said...

The bottom of a sinkhole.

Chuckles said...

Has anyone checked if they're 180 degrees apart?
Probably just the lack of carbon dioxide causing the core to collapse, which we'd see by the earths' magnetic field disappearing.
Oh wait..
Do not be afraid, be very, very frightened...

Mark Wadsworth said...

S_L, AC1, I'm guessing in a boat is best.

Ch, well spotted, the first hole is 90 deg w, 10 deg n; the second one was 110 deg E, 25 n. So not exactly opposite but pretty close.