From The Independent:
Four years ago New York City's health commissioners banned artery-blocking transfats in restaurants. Now, if a legislator has his way, the chefs at every eatery in the Big Apple and across the state will have to make do without salt.
The language of Bill A. 10129, introduced by Felix Ortiz, a representative from Brooklyn, in the New York State Assembly, could not be more specific. "No owner or operator of a restaurant in this state shall use salt in any form in the preparation of food for consumption by customers," it says, whether on or off the premises. The penalty for every violation would be $1,000 (£665)...
Another Sacrifice To The NHS...
2 hours ago
And also
"shall use salt in any form"
That could turn out to be interesting...
Do they know why we eat salt in the first place? Someone should explain to them the role of sodium in the body.
Whoever "thought" this up needs extra Lithium supplements in their diet.
If somebody wants to kill themselves with too much salt, fat or whatever that is there privileged; it's their democratic right. It's also called personal responsibility. There are enough natural checks and balances that penalise the over indulgent, bad health and flatulence to name but two.
I do not live in the UK I live in a country where individual responsibility is taken very seriously and they are not judgmental. Children are well behaved and respectful. Doctors are caring and don't give you a half hour lecture on your lifestyle before they will treat you. Their roads are devoid of traffic, which is handy because they are crap drivers and drive on the wrong side of the road. Their bureaucracy is horrendous so asylum seeker and economic migrants rush through on to the land of milk and honey called Britain knowing they are not going to get any hand outs even if they are available. Because a) Forms are only published in one language called indecipherable and b) Civil servants will only accept other civil servants as customers or their relatives. If you are not they just bounce you round departments until you are exhausted and give up.
F@*k the nanny state.
PS I should have mentioned, because I know you are wondering how do I manage with the Bureaucracy. Well I married one of my daughters to a native and as civil servants outnumber everyone else a native must be either a civil servant or related to one.
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