It was a bit of a quiet news day, so I'd like to take the opportunity to alert you to a sub-link on the excellent site.
In case you ever worry that you may be finding that inner peace with the world, just click here and read a few articles at random.
Virtual World
2 hours ago
We have rampant bureaucratic inflation. That happens when you are bent on destroying wealth creation were else can you put the unemployed? Productivity in the Civil Service has slumped by 4% while in the private sector it has increased by 28% since NuLabour came into power. Why, because more and more unnecessary civil service jobs have been created, which means more and more cups of tea, more and more meaningless management meetings are convened more and more opportunity for civil servants to dream up meaningless exotic expensive jollies to attend. So it goes on. And do you know what p§0ses me off is that I rail against minority groups who get all the cream at the expense of the majority in this I am in a minority group that cares where the majority could not give a f0#k.
New snow? We've not had snow for weeks now.
dearieme said...
New snow? We've not had snow for weeks now.
Well aren't you lucky, we have where I live, in the middle of France but then we get an awful lot more sun than you do.
Great bedtime reading that.
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