Thursday 7 March 2019

If only...

From Sky News:

The Government will slash Britain's trade tariffs to more than at any point in history...


... if the UK leaves the European Union without a deal, Sky News has learnt.



Lola said...

I keep reminding people that this is unlikely under a 'Tory' government as, IMHO, as landowning rent seekers they are still annoyed about the repeal of the Corn Laws.

Bayard said...

"The Government will slash Britain's trade tariffs to more than at any point in history..."

Shouldn't that be "by more" or "to (a point) lower"?

Mark Wadsworth said...

L, they'll keep tariffs on food, obviously.

B, top pedantry!

Dinero said...

Two years ago we had a discussion about retail prices and tariffs, and then the EU put a tariff of 25% on USA Bourbon and whisky. Did anyone notice any price changes. Also orange juice and jeans.

Bayard said...

I've just noticed a third alternative "will slash Britain's tariffs" should be "will raise Britain's tariffs". Now it all makes sense.

Mark Wadsworth said...

B, that would be grammatically correct but doesn't accord with facts. As high as EU tariffs are, historically they are quite low.