Headline in the online Telegraph:
"PM: The only Project I am interested in is Project Fact"
(May have gone by now)
Monday, 29 February 2016
Best Laugh All Day...
My latest blogpost: Best Laugh All Day...Tweet this!
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Labels: Brexit, Climate of fear
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Link tries to find torygraph. Telegraph headline still there.
Spilt the coffee.
Fixed the link for you.
"PM: The only Project I am interested in is Project Fact"
He's been got by the health fascists? (http://www.projectfact.org/) Surely there are more important things on his plate ATM.
He's talking about Brexit.Some facts would not come amiss with all the wishful thinking about British sovereignty in face of the facts that, left to its own devices, the British ruling-class and its management minions have destroyed the motor-car industry (once the world's biggest exporter); the motorbike industry (cool people like Bob Dylan, James Dean, Buddy Holly, Che Guevara once rode Brit bikes); the fishing industry; the coal industry; the steel industry etc.. Sovereignty on an ourselves alone basis is not much good if the government can't create its own money and depends on mad bankers with internationally traded financial products that can translate American sub prime mortgage holders sending their house keys back in jingle mail into a confidence crisis in British banks that has to be saved by bail outs paid for by Government cuts (in the middle of a Recession).
I don't want the British ruling-class deciding stuff for us: all they do is put up land values to stay in power.We need help from outside the Oxbridge privately educated internship world of "mind-forged manacles".
DBCR @14.21. What was the middle bit again?
All perfectly clear. I would add this is a cleaned-up and slimmed down version of what I really think.
(The middle bit refers to the fact that a sovereign British government cannot defend the country from banking problems emanating from the American no recourse mortgage market; from the Chinese dumping steel ; from market forces ramped up to an international scale.)
"the British ruling-class and its management minions have destroyed the ..... coal industry; "
Not really: the coal industry was always going to die, once we'd taken all the coal there was out of the ground and that, by and large, is what happened, apart from the few pits that were closed to appease the high priests of Global Warming. Agreed to all the rest: destroyed by bad management. I wonder why Britain suffered so badly from this in the C20th. My mother always used to say it was because all the men who would have made good managers volunteered and got themselves killed in the two World Wars.
One reason was that the coal miners under Scargill vounteered to commit suicide. Another reason is that Health and Safety regs these days would never allow the deep coal mining industry to exist.
Still another reason emerges when you look at the Rio Tinto mines in Spain. They were closed down about 20 years ago. Since then, a company has been trying to re-open those mines, because of world copper prices, and has had 10 years of having to pay what amount to bribes (eg turning the tailings into a theme park) and other regulatory hoops and endless regulatory shite. The EU does not want mining to happen on its patch. End of.
B, G, good points on mines. Open cast mining is the way forward, not so dangerous and you get a free water feature or rubbish dump/methane collection pit when you are finished.
or racecourse http://www.ffoslas.co/ (well, not quite free, but you know what I mean)
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