Sunday 28 February 2016


There's a lot of people outraged on Twitter (when aren't they) about this Tweet

And yes, apparently those are Mussolini's words. And yes, Mussolini was a shit, but if you forget Il Duce said it, is there anything wrong with it?


Bayard said...

Yes, it's too short a timescale. What happens if your day as a lion is a shit day? Who's to say that, despite appearances, sheep don't have the time of their life every now and again? One year as a lion, perhaps, but not one day.

DBC Reed said...

What Bayard said and what's so good about being bloodthirsty and aggressive anyway?

Random said...

Steven_L said...

It's working. He's even getting re-posted here at MW! Trump is anything but stupid, and his publicity strategy is genius.

I think I've worked out his scam though. It's all about this wall he wants to build that apparently 'Mexico' is going to pay for. I reckon the US taxpayer is going to be paying one Donald J Trump Inc to build it.

Lola said...

It's the same appalling crap that the US Marines yell - "Do you want to live forever!?". Well yes, I really would rather like that.
OTH. Not taking it literally, you might like to think that you could be a 'lion' - in the go getting, king of the jungle sense. In any event both sheep and lions are bloody lazy. All they do is stand about or lie about and eat and shag all day long. Lions even manage to do that mostly in the on erm...

Curtis said...


I recently had a discussion about this and we came to the conclusion that most people don't want to live forever, as they would get bored very quickly. By living forever, I also mean living in a reasonable state of health where my brain continues to work reasonably well.

Personally I'm interested in so many things that I'll never be able to learn all of them before I die, barring extraordinary advances in longevity in the next few decades. I think the same is true of most people who read/write on the MW blog. But a lot of (maybe even most) people seem to go through life in a sort of muddle, going to work and entertaining themselves until retirement when they don't have anything that really keeps them going.

If you struggle to put bread on the table that's one thing, and I suppose until recently some people may never have had time to become interested in anything, but if you have more than a smattering of brains and live in a first-world country nowadays you won't be like that your whole working life.

The sort of people who choose to become soldiers or Marines, at least in current times when wars are based as much on technology as physically fit people, probably don't have very much to live for other than material pleasures.

lovedots said...

Nope, nothing wrong with it... Though some orthodox sheep might try to link longevity (ha, ha!) to happiness, or some other such shit!