... as boy, 14, and girl, 13, spell tongue twisters 'scherenschnitte' and 'nunatak' with ease.
??? There are three e's in "scherenschnitte" but none in "nunatak".
Gokul Venkatachalam, 14, of Missouri and Vanya Shivashankar, 13, of Kansas tied as winners of the national spelling bee on Thursday
I assume that those kids got plenty of spelling practice learning to write their own names correctly. Having mastered that, everything else was a doddle.
The Blob is the disease
59 minutes ago
I have no idea what a nunatak is, but this seems to fit the bill:
Something like the last 7 US champions have been of Indian descent.
AFAICR, a nunatak is the top of a large mountain where 99% of the mountain is under the ice and only the top is visible.
S, aha i thought it was a street robbery carried out by devout catholic women
B, agreed.
LF, excellent point.
TS, good for them, I like people who know how to spell
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