Hmmm. I am not all sure I fancy that. Perhaps I now know how the Scots feel?
Notes on bechamel and blancmange
34 minutes ago
Hmmm. I am not all sure I fancy that. Perhaps I now know how the Scots feel?
My latest blogpost: If True....Tweet this!
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Not so long ago I did a post in which I wondered whether we might finish up with a Con Lab or Lab Con Coalition.
Jim Murphy becoming leader in Scotland has probably not helped the situation. Not a fan. Not a fan.
If the SNP applied some logic, they'd do everyone a favour by highlighting the economic injustice that blights the whole of the UK, but Scotland in particular.
They should ask one question, and keep on asking it. Scotland has shared it's Land(oil) economically with England, will England do the same with it's Land(location)? If not, why not?
If England doesn't want a Commonwealth and Union on those conditions, I say the Scots have got the moral high ground.
No 100% LVT, no Union.
Whether the SNP are wise enough to see this is highly unlikely, in my opinion.
I'm not sure that I (as an English resident) fancy it, but the SNP have played an absolute blinder.
Having been conned out of a proper referendum, they lost it narrowly anyway (thus being spread the inconvenience of actually having to run a country) and have gained in popularity in Scotland, so more MPS, more funding for Scotland, power without responsibility all the while playing the underdog.
(Other polls say the SNP will only win a handful of seats, so I wouldn't worry unduly).
MW. Wot? Me worry? Having been 'ruled' by a series of absolute twats for nearly 63 years (my birthday soon) I really don't see how even this could be a worse. The only trouble is a lack of a strong Parliament to control the executive leaves us in the hands of a load of corrupt self serving bureaucrats and the EU.
Join the black (real) economy I say.
Would have thought a Labour government (polls give them a 7 point lead now)propped up by Scots Nats ,who seem keener on public spending than some Blairite Labour throwbacks, might work out none too badly. Or Miliband might triangulate leftwards before the election.
Would have thought a Labour government (polls give them a 7 point lead now)propped up by Scots Nats ,who seem keener on public spending than some Blairite Labour throwbacks, might work out none too badly. Or Miliband might triangulate leftwards before the election.
If you put aside the independence issue for a moment, the SNP actually look quite good. They aren't wedded to a particular economic viewpoint so they are quite pragmatic and tend to go for "what has worked before" rather than "what should work".
They are also very definitely NOT part of the establishment, so they don't have as many pals in Westminster as the Indian bicycle marketeers do. That translates to fewer freebies being handed out to the "sponsors".
It's one of the reasons that they have done well in Scotland. Even people who aren't particularly interested in independence like the way that they generally run things. When I lived in Angus the SNP ran the local council, providing excellent value for money. They seem to have run Scotland the same way (within the devolution constraints) since gaining power. Okay, an SNP-dominated UK government won't bring the country LVT/CI but it might not be so bad compared to the alternative.
I'm with Lola on this one - I don't see how the SNP can be worse.
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