Friday 3 May 2013

Lucky lad! A threesome!


Votefor said...

Mark , this is right up your street. There is a LVTer there but links dont make the argument, go get 'em !

Bob E said...

No that can't be right, otherwise all those persons who have properties somewhere in the vicinity of HS2 and took the government to court to force them to re-open the consultation about "compensation" would immediately be shown up to be a complete bunch of ... oh right, the penny has dropped, it was the persons who weren't sure that their properties would magically go up in value courtesy of HS2 who took the court action - the people who had properties "the wrong side of that magic dividing line" ...

Mark Wadsworth said...

VF, that's Mombers, he seems to be doing his usual good work over there.

BobE, it was the people who wanted to sell their houses for 2007 peak prices who are complaining loudest.

Bayard said...

Bob, There are no enhanced values along HS2 because there are no bloody stations. Presumably there are no stations because people would only want to get on an off the trains at them, which would slow everything down and defeat the object of the exercise, which is to have a faster train than the Germans.