Raping young girls
A Muslim community leader has said there is a "problem" of British Pakistani men thinking "white girls are worthless and can be abused". And the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP) said it was "investigating why there may be a majority of Asians in these particular kinds of offence".
But police said grooming was "not a racial issue" and MP Keith Vaz also said "no particular race or religion" tended to be involved.
Sex-selective abortions
Dr Tony Falconer, president of the Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, said: "Anecdotally, there are social and cultural reasons for preferring one gender over another and we need to know more about why these occur. The issues are complex. For instance, women may be coerced or threatened with violence into having an abortion. The priority would be to identify who these women are and to provide them with support."
Forced marriages (1)
The charity said it wanted to help overcome "the mistaken assumption that the problem is a cultural one"... Ms Sanghera said: "It is not a cultural problem, it is abuse. The sooner people start to regard forced marriage in the same way they do domestic violence the better it will be for those affected by it."
Forced marriages (2)
"It's uncomfortable for people to think about, but it can't remain this hidden any longer. It's not simply about Muslim families; we also found that it happens among Chinese and African communities too, such as the Somali families. Nor is it something that comes across with new immigrants."
Honour killings
Happen to white girls too, of course.
I'm still trying to track down articles from the BBC or the Guardian in which somebody says that female genital mutilation, marrying your cousin, blowing up Tube trains and postal voting fraud happens "in every community".
Forbidden Bible Verses — Exodus 27:20-21
8 hours ago
"blowing up Tube trains and postal voting fraud happens "in every community"."
Nah, you gotta be Muslim or Irish to do dat sorta ting.
B, nope. The IRA did pubs and shopping centres.
Sex-selective abortions is more of a problem of people from the subcontinent (so, includes Hindus and Sikhs).
TS, yes, in the real world, it is prevalent from India to China and south of that, it's not particularly a Pakistani thing, and almost certainly not an Islamic thing. But in the PC parallel universe, it's common in all cultures.
"It's not simply about Muslim families; we also found that it happens among Chinese and African communities too, such as the Somali families. "
The Somalis are Muslim.
B, correct. That bit cheered me up especially.
"B, nope. The IRA did pubs and shopping centres."
Fair enough, but they blew up trains in the civil war.
S, I'm not convinced that "sex slavery" (as awful as it sounds) is as widespread as the likes of Harriet Harman claim, but yes, it does seem to be a Chinese/EE thing.
As it happens, I thought car crime was something at which the Poles excelled (having a ready market in Russia, far beyond the long arm of Western European police) perhaps I'm wrong.
Nope Kurds world Champions, they even run all the parking operations and "budget" car rentals at most Turkish Airports.
As for Peado horse shaggers, in no way can they be sterotyped to middle ages mummys boys
Thats a revelation Mark, you are claiming that someone actually "Ran" the banking system?
S, yes, it's a high pressure job that involves writing ever bigger cheques to yourself and then trying to work out a plausible excuse why.
Gods work Mark! Gods work.
Note the way the establishment try to blame the male gender for these things. It's the only "m" word they like.
IH, c'mon, nearly all crime is committed by men, that's just a fact. That doesn't make you or me a criminal by implication and I'm not offended in the slightest if anybody points this out.
"The IRA did pubs and shopping centres." And usually phoned in a warning beforehand.
B, legislating against homosexuality is like legislating against the law of gravity.
FC, that's another good point, thanks.
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