Monday 2 January 2012

Fun Online Polls: Make up your own question & How much money is there in the world?

The results to last week's Fun Online Poll were:

Make up your own question...

Kim Jong-Il - 40%

Osama Bin Laden - 12%
Donald Neilson 12%
Colonel Gadaffi - 8%
Other, please specify - 28%

The winning questions were:
UKIP Webmaster: Who is no ronger ronery in herr?
John Pickworth: Whom would you like to marry?

And the winning 'Other' was:
Richard Allan: Justin Bieber
Just to see whether everybody was paying attention (see recent posts here or here), this week's Fun Online Poll asks "Taking assets and liabilities into account, how much 'money' is there in the world?"

Vote here or use the widget in the sidebar.