From Reuters:
A young cow that fell off the back of a truck has been wandering loose in Plattsmouth for over two months. Animal control officers in Plattsmouth said Thursday they corralled a "bait cow'' in a community tennis court to help lure the elusive heifer in from the cold.
"We know that she's back in the area because we found where she beds down during the day,'' said Sue Baker, animal control officer for the town, which is about 20 miles south of Omaha, "We hope she sees the other cow and joins her in the tennis courts when she walks by next time."
With two months under her belt, she's already beaten Elsa; one more month on the run and she'll have overtaken Yvonne.
Virtual World
2 hours ago
Hope she's not injured.
If they know "where she beds down during the day," why don't they pick her up in the day?
That the land of the Cowboys should be reduced to this.
JH, I'm sure she'll be found alive and well sooner or later. And then slaughtered later on.
FC, perhaps they know where she is during the night, but they only know during the day time and then at sunset their minds go blank?
D, ah yes, the cowboys. Who all lost their jobs once somebody invented 'the fence'.
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