I'm no big fan of Osborne, but he's not quite the same danger to us all as Huhne. There's a fine article in today's FT about Osborne merrily thwarting Huhne at every opportunity, the highlight is this:
The latest controversy surrounds the £3bn Green Investment Bank, which has been set up to fund low-carbon projects. The bank was due to start borrowing money to boost its firepower in April 2015, but George Osborne, the chancellor, introduced a crucial proviso: that it would only be able to borrow once [government] debt was falling against gross domestic product.
After forecasts on Tuesday by the government’s spending watchdog suggested borrowing may not fall against GDP until a year later than planned, the fund appears unlikely to become a proper bank until 2016 at the earliest.
Starmer’s authoritarian instincts
3 hours ago
The genius of the greens and the left invest in something that nobody can afford and would not buy without a subsidy to stop something that nobody knows for certain if it is going to happen. It is so bloody ingenious it prices businesses out of the country to create wealth for those who do not give a damn whether that something is going to happen or not. It also diverts investment away from things that make profits without subsidies. Whatever Clarkson said about strikers I say do to Greens and lefties starting with Huhne and Lucas.
Anti, it's not just the Greenies though is it?
The same policy of creating a climate of fear and then exorting money goes for the military-industrial bloc, the Millenium Bug, bailing out banks, propping up the Euro-zone etc.
At least the proper lefties just do the hand-wringing stuff about 'vulnerable' people and people starving in the third world. That kind of extortion just as bad, but at least you don't stay awake at night worrying about it.
I did say that Osbourne wasn't a complete donkey's knob-end, but you wouldn't have it....
J, OK, he's 98% DKE, 2% pretty astute.
Mark, the frightening thing is that I now regard not actively bollocking up the country as success for a chancellor.
Gordon leaves a long shadow...
Jer, yup. Darling scored quite highly by those standards.
Anti, another one that springs to mind is these people who conned our governments (except Poland, apparently) into buying ineffective swine 'flu' antidotes/vaccines.
Osborne is one of those keeping us in the EU. Take him out and Clarkson him.
JH, as far as I am aware (and quite possibly he has said different things at different times) Clarkson is quite happy for us to be in the EU and even use the Euro.
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