A-Level Totty pictures are being collated at sexyalevels.
They're very, very modern so they don't have an email address which you can use to report your sightings, you have to Tweet your sighting and use the appropriate 'hashtag'.
Thursday, 18 August 2011
A-Level Totty
My latest blogpost: A-Level TottyTweet this!
Posted by
Mark Wadsworth
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I don't know about you, but this seems to 'spoil' the fun for me. collating them
Anyway the girls school totty is old had, trying to spot the most obviously shoe horned 'quick get the cripple' diverse picture is my pastime
PC, indeed. Our most reliable source for diverse pictures is of course News Shopper, but there's nothing showing yet.
Mark, given that the News Shopper seems to be compiled by one man and his dog Trevor, plus someone who just wandered in off the street.
It takes time to get round the colleges, locate the correct amount of diversity, get them to stand next to each other without stabbing each other up. Take the photo and get back to put it on the interwebs
PC, don't underestimate News Shopper. Their very first 'A Level Results' offering is admittedly four girls (boo!), but two are non-white , two are wearing glasses, and one of them is not exactly skinny.
Damn I just saw that, I should keep schtum. It's a bold try, for an early effort.
I still say they've a long way to go to beat Thsi one
PC, let's monitor the situation and see what they come up with. As you say, it's time that the kids in wheelchairs got into the photos. Although probably not a "jumping for joy" one.
Mark I'm ashamed of you, where's your 'inclusivity'
Nothing to stop them being photographed doing an 'ollie' for joy off the ramp at the local Drug Park , sorry Skate Park
PC, Newsshopper are now upping their game. This article is accompanied by a photo of four blokes, one non-white and no totty in sight. No wheelchair though.
The Daily Mail aren't doing badly, there's a variety of Rainbow Nation shots,
The one from Mossbourne Academy is in the lead (as it has a ginger as well) But no wheelchairs yet
A very poor show from my Local News Shopper seems other news has pushed it down the page.
Bexley stuck with their original, Bromley's was a bit 'meh. I had high hopes for Lewisham & Greenwich, but nothing from either.
May be tomorrow, and then there's always the GCSE's
Something between you two then I've missed? ;-)
JH, yes. The challenge is to find the most 'diverse' A level result photo as an antidote to the soft porn peddled by The Daily Mail and so on. Not that I'm complaining about soft porn or anything. See also: Women On Bicycles.
Looks like a lot of grade As in A-level make-up (foundation course). Some of the girls spent countless hours after school on their projects - often screaming with delight to one another at the sheer pleasure they felt in such hard scholarly endeavour.
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