Tuesday 9 August 2011

Hooters are yum

Bloody typical.

At a time when we need to start a serious debate about policing localised unrest (in the short term) and wider socio-economic issues (in the longer term) instead of just perpetrating some idealised version of female stereotypes, which image does the Daily Mail choose to illustrate its lead story?


Steven_L said...

It's uniting the 90% of 'relatively' law abiding people against the 10% who are the enemies in the never ending 'low level civil war' that has just escalated in the UK

Charlie B. said...

What's thick and scummy? Scum.
Actually, I rather like it. Clearly social engagement has led to higher self-esteem, so no more "Fuck me, beat me whip me". Trouble is that it is a bit of a tautology - like "murderers are bad" or "the police can please nobody".

Mark Wadsworth said...

SL, so she's the Home-Owner-Ist equivalent of La Liberté?

CB, does that relate to the earlier Short List?

Charlie B. said...

I thought it might do for the Short List (if you have a dirty enough mind).

Lola said...

You have a few nights of unremitting mayhem by a bunch of nihilistic shits and the The Mail publishes a photo of a pretty girl in a T Shirt that will cheer up about half the population at least.

Sorry, can't see the problem with that.

Mark Wadsworth said...

L, aha, the penny drops. Now I look closely, the T-shirt says "Looters are scum" which at least is vaguely relevant, I had thought it said "Hooters are yum".