Thursday, 9 June 2011

Prince Philip - surprisingly un-Home-Owner-Ist

From the BBC:

"If we've got this extraordinary diversity on this globe it seems awfully silly for us to destroy it... all these other people have an equal right to, to exist here, we have no prior rights to the earth than anybody else and if they're here let's give them a chance to survive."


sales said...

I saw on that BBC too and thought it seemed quite a geoist thing to say, coming from Royalty that lays claim to vast swathes of our land.

Mark Wadsworth said...

S, but he didn't actually say "all these other people", he said "all these other creatures".

Lola said...

The most 'green' of people are the nobs, it's been proved. Mostly because old money has no need for pretentiousness. They drive the same car for years and it'll be something like a Subaru. They don't need to trabel mush - it all comes to them. They tend to have land, and farm it, accidentally, sustainably. They'll cook stuff from ingedients. etc etc