I took the kids to see this film yesterday.
It was quite good fun really, I thought it was better than Alvin & The Chipmunks (the nearest comparison), both in terms of quality of jokes and how the real life characters and the CGI characters interact. And thankfully it wasn't in 3D either.
Plot: Carlos is an overgrown chick who is the factory foreman and is 'the baddie'. He wants to be appointed 'Easter Bunny' (i.e. the boss) and so he tries to stir the little worker chicks into rebellion - instead of giving the children Easter eggs, he wants to give them baskets of bird seed and tasty worms. He temporarily grabs power by a coup d'état but is then ousted again by the original kindly Easter Bunny, who is a paternalistic Victorian-style factory owner of course.
Sub-plot: don't trust trade union leaders, they are only in it for themselves.
Another day, another Labour lie?
2 hours ago
Subversive kiddie movies - what's not to like..? ;)
Vigourous tipping of the hat to Ardman's Chicken Run perhaps but it sounds like good fun.
JM, it was the opposite of subversive, the message was "better the devil you know".
EdB, it wasn't like Chicken Run at all, to be honest.
Only ever seen one enjoyably transgressive strike on American Media: that was an episode of "I love Lucy".Curiously Lucille Ball got into trouble for Communist Party sympathies about the same time in the McCarthy-ite era.(See suggestions for MW "short list")To compound matters she was up for the part of Communist takeover plotter, Mrs Iselin, in the Manchurian Candidate but then Angela Lansbury got it (and was superb).And AL was grandaughter of George Lansbury,Labour Party leader.This means that the best-known female names connected with" National Velvet" Elizabeth Taylor ; Shirley Williams, then Catlin, whose claims to the Velvet Brown were seriously pushed in some quarters and Lansbury i)all came from England ii)were all escaping bombing and likely German invasion iii)all had political connexions (Taylor married a US senator late on/one from last?)
DBC, I'm still waiting for you to email me the answers to your previous suggestion for 'Short List'.
MW Can't really remember what it was: was it about cheap consumable products stemming from/commemorating Land Tax movement?If it was ,I have just discovered a third .
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