On the topic of that Anti-gay Christian couple lose foster care case, occasional CiF contributor Joseph Harker updates a piece he wrote last November:
I was appalled at the way the panel on last Thursday's Question Time ignored the elephant in the room when a member of the audience asked whether they would have allowed Eunice and Owen Johns to foster a child, even though their faith would not allow them to condone homosexuality.
Their flimsy fall back to justify the High Court's decision to prevent them from offering a child a loving foster home was that 'the interests of the child must come first' because there is an outside chance that a child they foster might be gay.
We have seen that public opinion towards gay couples adopting a child has softened in recent years, and even the normally homophobic press recently published pictures of Sir Elton John, his civil partner - both white - and their adopted child playing happy families.
We can also rule out the Johns' Christianity as having been counted against them - the race hate case brought by a devout Muslim woman against supposedly Christian B&B owners Ben and Sharon Vogelenzang was thrown out by an English court.
Let's also remember that Michael Gove, the ideologically motivated Education Secretary who has no responsibility for or experience of adoption now wants to encourage mixed-race adoption, provided of course that it's white parents adopting coloured children.
So the elephant in the room is... the fact that the Johns are black, and this is what really counted against them.
As I explained last November [link above], this government is determined to dilute black and ethnic culture in this country by social engineering which borders on ethnic cleansing. There are thousands of other black couples up and down the country who are keen to foster and adopt children of their own race and culture, but the Tory-Lib Dem coalition is determined to prevent this, as a result of which the number of children in care from black and ethnic minorities has rocketed to one fifth.
The other reason why there are so many black and ethnic minority children in care is of course the savage cuts to the welfare system, a resumption of Thatcher's 'war on single mothers'. Black and minority ethnic mothers are of course disproportionately among the most disadvantaged in society - in terms of jobs, housing or welfare - so it is unsurprising that so many of these are forced to give up their children - many of which have white fathers - for adoption.
Yes, stable homes are always better than living in care. But to deny the importance of race is not only insulting to minorities, it also risks causing unnecessary confusion and distress to those vulnerable children who look to the state to protect them. And it will not be until the savage welfare cuts are reversed and black foster parents given the same favourable treatment as white couples that black and minority ethnic children will have the same right to a stable upbringing in their own culture that white children can take for granted.
Notes on bechamel and blancmange
1 hour ago
And just how are these "savage welfare cut reversals" to be paid for?
Just another so called radical thinker who will never have to test drive his pipe dream. He can pick his own pockets to pay for welfare and stop trying to pick mine.
Is this the same Joseph Harker who declared in the Guardian that it is impossible for him to be racist because he is black?
"As a black man, I admit I am bound to suffer from prejudices of my own. I cannot be racist, however, because in the global order I do not belong to the dominant group."
Ergo, a well paid, well connected, middle class Guardian editor has less "power" than some Ned on the dole swigging a tin of beer on a park bench- who in Harker's strange mind is part of the power elite.
This article is utter tosh, how on Earth did it end up here?
QM, there weren't any 'savage welfare cuts' in the first place! That's the joke.
IanB, he had a white step-father and suffered appallingly because of it, destroying his life chances. He knows of what he speaks. The poor dear.
BE, this is actually the output of a computer programme I'm working on. Does it pass the 'Turing Test'?
In fact in his original Grauniad piece-
"My own Nigerian father abandoned my Irish mother before I was born. Three years later she married an English local, who later adopted me, and I took his name. I was never short of love, support and encouragement. But when race regularly collided with my life I was ill-prepared."
He seems to be arguing that his white mother was not a suitable parent for him, and presumably should have given him to a black couple. If I were either his mother or the white man she married, who had striven to love and care for him, I would be profoundly hurt.
Getting in pop psychology here, I can't help but feel he's deeply ashamed at not being entirely black and is, effectively, a race separatist who disapproves of "miscegenation". It may be that when he got into race politics, he felt second best to the "proper" blacks he was mixing with. Or something.
IanB, indeed. I let my programme draft the article and then wondered whether I had gone too far, but just as a reality check, I then read his own musings on the topic it appears that I haven't gone quite far enough. I'll have to tweak the illogic sub-routine a bit.
One has to understand what both sides mean before being able to comment on it without risking drifting into confusion.
Are you certain you understand what they mean?
Have you asked them in person? Are you using some other method of understanding them?
What do you think they mean that has led you to your comments?
Have you confirmed that with them and what did they say?
I'm not being rude and am serious.
THing is, as an employer, I have frequently drafted job adverts. My favourite would run something like this:-
"We don't care whether you are a black or white, single parent or happily married couple homo- or hetero-sexual one legged bald martian aged anywhere between 18 and 65. All we ask is can you do the damn' job?"
In a similar vein a journo friend of mine had mentally drafted his bets headline just incase:-
"Teenage child of sex change vicar in drugs and call girl scandal. Palace sources" Accompanied by a photograph of rastafarian in a dog collar.
For various reasons I have dealings with quite a few homosexual people who seem hell bent (!) on making a thing of their 'differences'. Can't really see that myself. Would it not be more sensible to make a thing out our similarities? Same goes for ethnic minorities.
Phew, that's enough of that. But heavy for 21.30 on a Sunday. Must be off to church now.
Off post sorry but please check these out
McDonut Sisters
Anon, that's totally OT, but ties in nicely with the McDonut story so far. I'll have a closer look tomorrow.
As to her comment that the loan doesn't have to be disclosed, sheesh, has she not read PPERA 2000 which her own government passed into law?
"It may be that when he got into race politics, he felt second best to the "proper" blacks he was mixing with."
Bingo! Did you know that the policing of "racial purity" under the NAZIs was largely handled by "borderline 'aryans'". It was a deliberate policy for they were on the edge of the allowed circle. So they had to try harder...
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