Saturday 4 December 2010

UnHelpful Banking

Via Paul at HPC.


Rich Tee said...

Those adverts are the crappiest in a crowded market.

I have seen the ones that say "we guarantee that our staff will do XX hours of community service" or something. Working in the financial industry I wonder whether this is being imposed on the staff as a "self-development target" and how long it will be before I have to do it.

Mark Wadsworth said...

TM, exactly.

If private business were to do stuff 'for the community' in order to garner goodwill, fair enough, it's just advertising. But this a taxpayer owned business, so I'm paying for all this 'in the community' nonsense twice over.

PS, I'm sure you'll think of an excuse when the time comes.

NickM said...

Mark, love the Crimble banner!

Incest is indeed a great game all the family can play.

Especially in Austrian basements.

Mark Wadsworth said...

NM, ta, it is trickier than it looks because you have to do the drawings life size.

formertory said...

There's a generation of "marketers" at the moment who think that the way to appeal to their victims is ads which say "At [insert_name_of_Bank], we understand that......"

They go on to talk about busy lives and a hundred other cliches.

I have to fight down the impulse to scream abuse and throw things at the TV, I'm afraid; they understand NOTHING of me or my needs. Or anyone else's, it seems.

The spoof ad is right on the mark. I've seen the results of it right up close; kids shovelling product because if they don't they'll get another phone call from some twat who things that a shiny suit, shaved head and big bright tie makes him a sales manager.