Wednesday 9 June 2010

Another money saving idea for George Osborne

Get our troops out of Afghanistan. What's not to like?


DBC Reed said...

A bit middle of the road .How about
bringing back all the armed forces
for the defence of the British Isles and nothing else?With corresponding cuts in personnel and materiel.Mind you I don't believe in cuts;these suggestions are entirely from ulterior motives.Similarly halve the Royal Family horizontally or in number.Totally extinguish the House of Lords.Abolish quangoes and forbid the public sector hiring any consultants.Or to use any computerised record systems on which they are always gyped.File cards and Fax machines will suffice. I could go on.

Robin Smith said...

That's unthink.

We went there to rob them or someone nearby in the first place.

We screwed it up in our arrogance and greed... as usual

Now we want to cop out, without fixing the damage we caused before leaving. TWATS!

If we leave to save money, we are obliged to pay for the damage we caused before hand too.

That's fair isn't it?

To save money all we need to do is tax the takers, not the makers. Every BIG counts. Ozzie knows this but has no spine for it. We elected him. Our fault. We are the TWATS.