In case you'd ever wondered what an Ethnic Minority Achievement Co-ordinator does all day long, the following article might shed some light (click to enlarge):Of course, it helps if they have back-up from an "advisory teacher for traveller education" for the nitty gritty stuff (like posing for the photo'). Interestingly, the article does not refer to the artist concerned as "Mr Ferdinand Koci (of no fixed abode)", which makes the whole thing seem rather less than authentic.
Starmer’s authoritarian instincts
4 hours ago
MW, back in the 50s Redbridge used to be a nice area - mind you, going back to Essex now feels 'strange' due all the changes to areas I knew so well.
Reverting back to the topic of your post, it is jobs like this that should be axed - and axed permanently.
Gypsy Traveller History Month?
And people wonder why parents are keen on setting up free schools outside the national curriculum.
Annual salary and benefits are up to about £60K. So the council tax payers of Harrow will have to cough up about £65K including employer's NI. Not sure if those benefits include pension contributions but, hey, almost £70K for this crapola ain't cheap. Until the queues outside JobPlus are brimming with EMACs (joining those invaluable diversity outreach officers) this government's talk of "cuts" can be viewed as so much chin music.
WFW, it's all right is Redbridge, but that depends on what you compare it to.
JT, I don't wonder, as it happens.
U, well spotted, I only read as far as 'salary up to £29,999' I didn't add on as much again in benefits in kind (car, pension etc).
I agree with Umbongo, but, if Harrow Council consider EMACs one of the essential services they need to provide, the Gov't can cut all they like and these people will continue to be employed (unless, of course, this is a post direct funded by central gov't).
Also, should you be tempted by the £60K salary and the almost complete lack of any work to be done (if you never turned up, who would notice?), don't bother, this virtual sinecure almost certainly has already been allocated to some deserving beneficiary of local authority nepotism. They are only advertising because the Gov't makes them.
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