From the BBC:
More could be done to prevent the early deaths of up to 50,000 people each year hastened by air pollution, MPs say. A Commons Environmental Audit Committee report said failure to reduce pollution had put "enormous" cost on the NHS and could cost millions in EU fines....
EAC chairman Tim Yeo* said: "Air pollution probably causes more deaths than passive smoking, traffic accidents or obesity, yet it receives very little attention from government or the media. In the worst affected areas this invisible killer could be taking years off the lives of people most at risk, such as those with asthma."
Oooh! "more deaths than passive smoking", so pick a number greater than zero, eh? "traffic accidents", that's a known figure, about two or three thousand a year, nowhere near "up to 50,000". How many people die of obesity? No idea. That must be what it's like in the Westminster bubble - the people in there actually see things like passive smoking or obesity as threats to life and limb.
* Lest ye forget, Tim Yeo is a Conservative MP. A company called AFC Energy pay him £3,750 a month for doing one day's work (from They Work For You). AFC Energy do all this clean coal, hydrogen fuel cells and all that nonsense, i.e. are exactly the sort of people who are claiming to have technology which will reduce 'air pollution'.
This is just to illustrate that the daily rate requested by Stephen Byers MP was quite realistic.
Monday, 22 March 2010
Comparative Of The Week
My latest blogpost: Comparative Of The WeekTweet this!
Posted by
Mark Wadsworth
Labels: Conservatives, Corruption, Tim Yeo MP, Twats
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Yeo is my MP. I've watched him 'operate' at a function. I've written to him and followed his career. My judgement? He's got himself a safe seat and is sitting very pretty thank you.
wv = kingbong Yep exactly
From WattsUpWithThat on how investigation of claims about air pollution deaths are rubbish.
That Tim Yeo says it does not make it more credible.
L, in that case, vote for the other guy.
NC, if TY says it, that makes it less credible.
I didn't say I'd voted for him!
Yeo is a bit of porker as I recall. His battle against obesity could well start in his own fridge.
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