From this morning's CityAM:
US PRESIDENT Barack Obama yesterday pledged to halve a record 2010 budget deficit by the end of his first term in office, but made tackling double-digit unemployment his immediate priority with a spending plan that risked public ire and a rough battle in Congress.
Ho hum, you might think, this sounds a lot like the vague promise to halve the UK deficit in 4 years that our own Labour government made last year. Is The Gobbler really that influential..? So I duly Googled the phrase obama+halve+defcit, and to my amazement most of the hits relate to a pledge that Obama made a year ago, shortly after taking up office.
He's made a piss-poor job of it so far, if I may say so.
Another Sacrifice To The NHS...
2 hours ago
Dear Obama,
1) Intro LVT (in some shape)
2) Make land affordable for all to start producing on
3) All folks now freely start making things that other people want
4) Supply auto-meets demand
5) Turn off all protectionism
6) Turn off all subsidies
7) Abolish remaining monopolies in private hands
8) Become the genuine leader of the world
9) Retire, go down in history like a Lincoln
10) Hire a hell of a lot of security, never go outside your bunker, use lots of doppelgängers, you know where I'm going with this...
That is all.
Robin Smith Esq.
The United Kingdom
PS, he was exaggerating with the bunker. But you can rule out visits to the 'theater'.
and avoid Dallas!
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