Friday 26 February 2010

Global Warming causes Global Cooling

From the BBC:

A vast iceberg which broke off the Antarctic continent this month could disrupt the world's ocean currents and weather patterns, scientists warn.

Australian researchers say the iceberg - the size of Luxembourg - could block an area that produces a quarter of the world's dense and very cold seawater. They say a slowdown in the production of this water could result in colder winters in the north Atlantic...


JuliaM said...

More to the point, will an invasion force of orcas be using it as cover to manouvre close enough to strike?

Mark Wadsworth said...

Yes, of course. Global Warming also causes aggression among, er, killer whales.

Robin Smith said...

That's Local Cooling isnt it ? (:

Is your politics controlling your thought here perhaps ?

dearieme said...

Unless it were the size of Wales, I would give it a complete ignoral.