Monday 4 January 2010

Posthumous animal attack

From The Metro:

A woman has launched legal action against a New York City restaurant after she says she was injured by the decor - after a 150lb (68kg) stuffed moose's head fell on her.

Web designer Raina Kumra claims in a negligence lawsuit filed last week that the moose head, with 3-foot-wide antlers, plummeted off a wall at the Scandinavian-themed White Slab Palace restaurant on October 4 and hit her. She says she suffered a concussion and other injuries...


Furor Teutonicus said...

Raina Kumra

Hmm. Well I guess, it must be that no one has called her "paki" recently, so she must get SOME way of claiming compo to pay her way for the next couple of months.

Anonymous said...

Hoots mon, there's a moose loose aboot this hoose.