Need I say that this authoritarian hag and her intrusive, state loving plan are both the brainchild of the Scottish Labour Party?
"Catherine Stihler urged a powerful European Parliament committee to impose an all-out ban on alcoholic drinks which also include caffeine. The move follows growing concern over Buckfast tonic wine. The drink is 15 per cent alcohol and contains as much caffeine as eight cans of cola in a standard bottle."
HOLY CRAP!!! CAFFEINE?!! We better do something before it's too late!
I mean it's almost as if this hag thinks that people need caffeine to get through the day...
"Caffeine addiction can lead to a whole host of medical problems, not to mention its link with crime and violence on Scottish streets."
You're taking the fucking piss, right? According to MedicineNet, 80% of the world consumes caffeiene on a daily basis. Lest we forget the victims of these scum criminals who were fuelled by their addiction of such a deadly drug - the criminals who steal, lie, sell themselves and encourage a downfall in society when they can't get their £1.79 jar of Nescafe. Grow the hell up you cow.
"The fact is many consumers are unaware of the damage they are doing to their bodies and lack the essential information to make an informed decision about what they purchase."
Ah yes, I wondered where that argument was! We need the state to tell us what is and is not safe for us, because we junkies, when we buy our jasmine tea, are unaware just how much damage we are doing to our bodies with this deadly caffeine drug.
"Her campaign has already been backed by MEPs from Sweden, where concern is growing about young people mixing high caffeine energy drinks, such as Red Bull, with alcohol."
Now seriously, economically thinking, does this stupid bint realise what kind of knock on effect this will have? Scotland has neds, chavs, scum, whatever. They drink a HELL of a lot of Buckfast, the main target of this ban. Buckfast is rather highly priced in Scotland, and will be unaffected by the minimum price mandate being proposed by the Scottish Nazional Party. Considering how much of it is sold (not to mention caffeinated drinks like Red Bull that are bought just to add to alcohol) a ban will put the Buckfast producers out of business. And the neds? Well they'll just move on to something else. Then they'll ban that. Then the next thing. Then the next thing. And on, and on, and on, and on.
Catherine Stihler = stupid slag.
Wednesday, 27 January 2010
More Statist Waffling
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Conversation in MW household:-
"Shall I load the AK47 for you, dear?"
L, that was JP's post, although I completely agree with him on this one. The four basic necessities of life are nicotine, coffeine, alcohol and aspirin. Everything else is a bonus.
Sorry MW - slight correction!
"The four basic necessities of life are nicotine, coffeine, alcohol and aspirin."
No! The four basic necessities of life are nicotine, tannin, alcohol and wimmin with lots of sex-drive!
Then, if you are a banker, everything else really is a bonus!
WFW, true, but I was talking about comestibles. And I've never liked tea either.
"Caffeine addiction can lead to a whole host of medical problems ...
Yeah like not going down in a screaming heap fast enough.
They'll simply drink vodka espressos. Vodkaccinos.
Or Red Bull mixed with Night Nurse. She doesn't know who she's dealing with here - they are going to get plastered, one way or another, no matter what she bans.
She's at entirely the wrong end of the issue - but then they always are. At the easily banned end, not the difficult to deal with end.
"Her campaign has already been backed by MEPs from Sweden"
There's a surprise, the nation that brought us an EU wide ban on 'smells in toys', because they 'are not necessary and therefore should be banned'.
Apparently 50% of the poor dears have allergies!
Or Red Bull mixed with Night Nurse.
Good grief, does that pass for a cocktail in Scotland. What is it called?
I wonder if she & "all" the Swedish MEPs who support this nuttery ever drink coffee.
OK no I don't.
(My guess is that 1, maybe 2, MEPs have said something along the lines of her not being a complete nut & this entitles the paper to imply such general support as when papers start a story with "scientists say")
I like the Nick Griffin gif
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