Thursday 7 January 2010

Fun with numbers

From the Evening Standard, a long list of dreary and made-up statistics:

The number of Londoners admitted to hospital for alcohol-related illness has risen by 49 per cent in five years [yawn]. Statistics show 110,982 people received treatment last year for an injury, disease or ailment caused directly or indirectly by drink [feeling drowzy]. Examples include alcoholism and liver disease [dozes off], as well as others who had suffered falls after drinking or been injured in alcohol-fuelled fights. [zzzz]

The latest annual total, which covers the 12 months to the end of March last year, compares with a figure of 74,522 for 2004/5 [entering catatonic state, going into coma]. London now accounts for one in nine of all alcohol-related hospital admissions in the country...

[wakes up suddenly] Er, might that be because the population of London is around one-ninth of the total population of the UK?


James Higham said...

More like the USSR every year.

Mark Wadsworth said...

JH, do you mean in terms of fakestatistics or in terms of alcohol consumption?

TheFatBigot said...

Having a wild stab in the dark I ask whether they are comparing like with like.

Did the same criteria apply in 2004/5 and 2008/9 for classifying an injury, disease or ailment as being caused directly or indirectly by drink? I don't know the answer, I merely ask the question.

John Pickworth said...

OMG! Stats! I must take notice of them and change my entire way of life before its too late!

Or not?

Anonymous said...

Slightly OT but relevant. I caught a programme on BBC4 last night where a bunch of kids went off to Magaluf, followed by a BBC camera crew. The kids did the usual things, getting bladdered every night etc., and the Beeb gave them all a medical examination afterwards. Guess what? They couldn't find a thing wrong with any of them, despite all the warnings of the health facists, so the presenter spent the last few minutes desperately droning on about 'long term damage'. It's time for someone to give the nanny state a proper kicking.

Mark Wadsworth said...

TFB, I suspect the figures are completely made up.

JP, ignore them.

Anon, good anecdotal. Do you think any actual real life teenagers were bored enough to watch it in the first place?