Ninety-seven per cent of those who took part in last week's poll heaved a sigh of relief at that final Copenhagen agreement and thought "It could have been worse, at least they didn't sign us up to global government". The other 3% also heaved a sigh of relief and thought "... at least they vaguely agreed to the principle of reductions in carbon emissions."
So everybody's happy, I guess.
James Higham is currently doing a poll on who your favourite James Bond is/was, but what I'd be really interested to know is who people's favourite Doctor Who is/was/will be. I never used to like the series, but it picked up a bit when they revived it and Christopher Eccleston took over. I found him incredibly dull, but Billy Piper was always lovely and the effects were a lot better than they used to be. David Tennant really made it worth watching*, I think he was brilliant. Of course he's been doing it far too long so somebody else has to take over, those are the rules, but that Matt Smith has a lot to live up to.
Vote here or use the widget in the sidebar.
* The other explanation might be that the plots have got a lot better since David Tennant was in the rôle. I doubt whether they have, but somebody else would have to answer that one way or another.
UPDATE: The Big Yin shares my enthusiasm for David Tennant/Russell T Davis.
Sunday, 27 December 2009
Fun Online Poll & Doctor Who
My latest blogpost: Fun Online Poll & Doctor WhoTweet this!
Posted by
Mark Wadsworth
Labels: Blogging, Doctor Who, Films, FOP, Global cooling, Television
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I have to disagree, every time I see Billy Piper I can't help thinking of 'The Wide Mouth Frog' joke
PC, go on, how does that go?
I've got to admit I am a huge fan of the latest incarnation of the good Dr. and waxed lyrical about David Tennant's performance over at our place and I credit Russell T Davis for making the series a worldwide success. Without doubt the pairing of Tennant and Cathrine Tate was pure brilliance.
Watched Cathrine Tate's Christmas Carole and David T was bloody great as a camp ghost of Christmas present.
For me, Tom Baker simply is Dr Who.
The hottest assistant? Mmm... probably Nicola Bryant (as in 'Nicola who?'). Can't see why there's a fuss over Billy Piper.
Freeman Wossname isn't so bad until she starts speaking. Her sentences ought to all end with 'innit'.
I always fancied Elisabeth Sladen as Sarah Jane Smith the most.
Janet Fielding as Tegan was good too.
Kevyn Bodman
That guy who plays 'the master' is pretty damn good too.
He had me in stitches on xmas day when he turned everyone into himself.
The wide mouth frog joke is visual so doesn’t really work written down, but sort of goes like this.
NOTE: The humour comes from when speaking as the wide mouth frog you put a finger in each corner of your mouth and pull as wide as possible
One day the Wide Mouth frog decided to leave his pond and see the world.
He first met a hairy animal hanging from a tree by one arm, and said
(Pulling mouth wide) "Hello, I'm a wide-mouth frog, what are you, and what do you eat?"
"I'm a monkey and I eat fruit and nuts"
(Pull mouth wide) "Oh", said the wide-mouth frog, "is that so."
The wide-mouthed frog then came to a huge bird with sharp talons and a curved beak.
"Hello, I'm a wide-mouth frog, what are you, and what do you eat?"
"I'm an eagle, and I eat little birds and mice"
"Oh", said the wide-mouth frog, "is that so."
Next another large four-legged creature, standing on his hind legs, with
sharp claws.
"Hello, I'm a wide-mouth frog, what are you, and what do you eat?"
"I'm a bear, and I eat honey"
"Oh", said the wide-mouth frog, "is that so."
(This goes on through several iterations until)
The Wide Mouth frog comers across an enormous animal with a huge mane and enormous teeth
"Hello, I'm a wide-mouth frog, what are you, and what do you eat?"
"I'm a lion and I eat wide-mouth frogs."
Pursing lips this time
"Oh", said the wide-mouth frog, "You don’t see many of them round here do you?."
Sarah Jane will always be the best assistant (Sally James-esque). You can probably guess my Dr Who vote from that.
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