Wednesday 14 October 2009

Fluffed headline of the day

From The Metro:

"Peta slams Hilton's pig purchase"


If you're going to do alliteration, shouldn't that read "Peta pillories Paris' pig purchase"?



ScotsToryB said...

Pelt protector provides pedantically portrayed personal porcine preference?

Ross said...

Would Metro readers understand what "pillories" means?

JuliaM said...

It'll turn on her, just like the cows. You mark my words...

James Higham said...

Has more of a ring to it that way.

bayard said...

Would they rather she ate it? I somehow think that a pet pig, however starved of attention, must have a better life than your average factory weaner. This, BTW, is presumably the same PETA that advocates imprisonment indoors for all pet cats "for their own safety"!

Mark Wadsworth said...

Why would she eat it? She paid $4,500 for a miniature pig. That'd work out more expensive than caviar.

manwiddicombe said...

Why would she eat it? She paid $4,500 for a miniature pig. That'd work out more expensive than caviar.

But much tastier .. .. ..

bayard said...

"That'd work out more expensive than caviar."

I think that would be the main attraction.

Russell Brunson said...

These statement seems all wet.