Giles Coren, world champion at initiating rounds of Victimhood Poker which he can only lose*, in today's Times:
The first thing I ever did on telly was a quiz show. A Weakest Link “journalists special” in which I slaughtered the likes of Lynn Barber, Dominic Mohan (now Editor of The Sun), and Deidre out of “Dear Deidre”, to earn first place and a whopping eleven-and-a-half- grand cheque. Which I then had to give to charity. All of it.
Personally, I believe that if starving little fly-blown perishers from Chad want to get their hands on the best part of 12 gees then let them go on the telly themselves and be first to the buzzer on such questions as “what ‘c’ is the opposite of dog?” and “which ‘J’ had the surname Christ?”
* See PPS to an earlier post.
The Blob is the disease
1 hour ago
C? Let me think. Cow?
JH, my money would have been on "cur".
Pedantically speaking ,the opposite of dog is bitch and Christ is n't a surname but a title,meaning the Anointed.
NB John Lipetz's storming letter on LVT on behalf of C forEJ in today's Guardian .
Thank God he said "perisher" rather than an obvious alternative p-noun.
DBC, the absolute diametric opposite of dog is probably something like "onomatopoeia" or "infra-red". Neither of which start with 'c'.
D, what p-noun? Don't go all PC on me!
piccaninny - so archaic that I'm not sure of the spelling.
Jesus's surname wasn't Christ, it was Cohen.
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