Tuesday 8 September 2009

Another cow attack

From the Metro, Bull attacks cow.


James Higham said...

They do seem awfully brave though, all those matadors, whatever we think of the sport.

JuliaM said...

I certainly wouldn't attempt it, no matter what the animal-rights loonies say about it being a foregone conclusion!

CIngram said...

It's not a sport, it's an art. A spectacle. The aim isn't to beat the bull but to create beauty. And they are brave. Death is rare but serious injury is not. Minor gorings, bargings, cartwheelings and tramplings are very common, and what separates them from death is often just a bit of luck.

You may not like the fact that it involves the death of an animal, but when done properly (which it usually isn't, even at the highest level) it is very beautiful.