Sunday 24 May 2009

I'll tell you what's not to like ...

Having had the dubious pleasure of driving to the seaside* and back with "Hannah Montana: The Soundtrack" on repeat, 'what's not to like' are the painful gearchanges at 2 minutes 49 seconds into this:

and at 2 minutes 15 seconds into this:

* What was to like were the UKIP placards and posters every few miles ...


Witterings from Witney said...

I've heard of UKIP but who the hell is Hanna Montana?

Is this a pseudonym for Gordon Brown or even our Hazel (The Poisoned Dwarf)?

Mark Wadsworth said...

If you had a six-year old daughter, you'd know all too well who Hannah Montana is.

If you don't have a six-year old daughter, you aren't missing much, musically speaking.

Bill Quango MP said...

I have a six year old daughter.
She wants to be a rock star princess. Sort of Ariel meets Hannah Montana.
I have the High School musical 3 soundtrack in the car.

AntiCitizenOne said...

Can those dodgy pics that keep "leaving" her mobile phone get posted next time?