Sunday 5 April 2009

NOW! That's what I call tidy

Chucking out a few old newspapers and crisp packets doesn't take long, of course; what takes time is punching and filing all the bank statements and payslips; filling in the postcard with your latest meter readings; realising to your chagrin that you didn't bother voting in the recent elections to the committees for the ACCA, UKIP, whatever; deciding which of your children's artworks to save and which you can safely bin; dismantling all the mailshots into the paper and plastic bits to make life easy for the recycling people; and so on.


Witterings from Witney said...

Yeah, Yeah - we all know that Mrs. W got so fed up with your untidyness, that in exasperation she did it!

Mark Wadsworth said...

Nope, that room is off limits, I even vacuumed the carpet and bundled up the newspapers downstairs as well.

malpas said...

What have you done? If this gets out everyone will have to have clean rooms.

Mrs Mopp from next door said...

Queen Oprah would be just SO proud of you. Have house point.