Thursday, 26 March 2009

Quango of the week

Tim Worstall likes having a pop at a character calling himself Jonathon Porritt Bt CBE. I had always assumed that JP was just some numpty who churned out MMGW articles for the Grauniad, I now realise to my horror (via an article in The Times which Christina Speight emailed round) that JP is in fact "head of the Sustainable Development Commission", which is The Government’s independent watchdog on sustainable development.

And how 'independent' are they? The current headline on their website is "SDC welcomes government plans for home energy efficiency", so 'not very' is the answer to that one.


Witterings from Witney said...

Fairs fair MW - if Churchill could have a parrott of limited vocabulary and understanding, why should not Brown have a porritt similarly blessed?

Mark Wadsworth said...

Because Churchill's parrott didn't cost the taxpayer zillions of pounds a year?

Simon Fawthrop said...

"independent watchdog" - that's like all those contries that name themselves "people's democratic republic". The more they claim their democratic credentials in their name the more brutal the dictatorship.