Sold: One June Long Gilt future at 123.79.
Does that imply that you are betting/thinking that gilts will be higher than 123.79 in June?
Nope. I have sold, ergo I think that the gilt future will be lower than 12.79 some time between 8 am this morning and the delivery date some time in June.
So what happens if it's not?
Then I lose money.
How much?
£1,000 profit for every full point it falls and vice versa.
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Does that imply that you are betting/thinking that gilts will be higher than 123.79 in June?
Nope. I have sold, ergo I think that the gilt future will be lower than 12.79 some time between 8 am this morning and the delivery date some time in June.
So what happens if it's not?
Then I lose money.
How much?
£1,000 profit for every full point it falls and vice versa.
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