Friday 3 October 2008

Pork! Pork! Pork!*

Breaking news: Bush Signs Bailout After House Passage

Hmm, what does it take to get fifty-seven Representatives to change their minds?

Four hundred and forty eight pages of pork barrel spending, is all, introducing an additional $150 billion's worth of tax breaks, subsidies, exemptions, import curbs, preferences and other protectionist and/or interventionist measures!

In old money, that's about eight pages of legislation and $2.6 billion per Representative. OK, we could apportion some of that to Senators who may have been wavering, but my point stands.

* As ever, no offence meant to this 'blog's many Jewish readers, who by rights shouldn't be reading this anyway, it being the Sabbath and all. Shabbat Shalom, you guys!


Anonymous said...

Clearly the addition of tax breaks for the manufacturers of toy wooden arrows made all the difference.