Monday 25 August 2008

Conspiracy theory of the week

BOMBSHELL: Barack Obama Is Not a US Citizen, Not Eligible to be US President.

BTW, the way the BBC does a newsflash every time Obama drops a pencil or gets off a bus makes me sick. These stories are tediously dull and they don't even balance it up with coverage of John McCain.


Anonymous said...

What would happen if this was actually true? Would Obama have to stand down and McCain get elected unopposed? Would the BBC explode in rage that "their" candidate had been excluded on the mere technicality that he wasn't American?

Mark Wadsworth said...

Presumably Hillary would get reinstated. Maybe it was her gang who launched this rumour; she has more to gain than McCain! And the latter would happen anyway.

Anonymous said...

It's said that Boris Johnson is qualified to run, having been born in the US. That would be fun. "My great x n Uncle, King George the Third...."

Anonymous said...

PS the Constitution is rather opaque on the business - what exactly does it mean by "natural born"?

Ross said...

There was a similar story about John McCain a few months ago on account of his having been born in Panama.

Mark Wadsworth said...

They're welcome to BoJo. The story also clears off the McCain/Panama angle.