Blares the headline in today's Independent, followed by a jumble of letters to illustrate what dyslexia is about.
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3 hours ago
Blares the headline in today's Independent, followed by a jumble of letters to illustrate what dyslexia is about.
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Posted by
Mark Wadsworth
"The sutioln to dlsyiexa" works better. If you keep the first and last letter of each word correct, mangled English is usually easily read. "Tnoy Bialr is a lthomosae wee tawt." See?
I know. But I wanted to do the 'dailysex' joke.
Oh go on - you wanted to make a juvenile jest? Heavens forfend.
And anyway theres always dyspraxia, dysgraphia aswell as dyslexia
I am dyslexic, and I am also a star trek fan. this is the best joke!
"We are Dyslexic of Borg. You will have your ass laminated."
That made me laugh
Thanks Sage
Sage, that's one 'N'too many.
He's dyslexic and you think he's going to notice ns?
You btasrad, how dera ouy.
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