The alarmists spent years trying to persuade us that temperatures were already rising gradually but measurably, which has been pretty much debunked, as it was hotter in 1936 than in 2006. And it's no warmer now than during the Mediæval Warm Period.
"Never mind", say the alarmists, "we've changed our minds: temperatures aren't rising yet, but they will do at some unspecified point in the near future".
The end is nigh! Not.
About time too
40 minutes ago
The default interpretation is that they are crooks.
Along with the people who warned about Global Cooling in the 1970s and/or the ozone layer disappearing in the 1980s; or the population explosion that would see us all starve to death and/or the fact that we'd all die of AIDS. Oil reserves have been ten years from running out since about the 1930s and so on.
But miraculously, we're still here!
Hold On! The Ozone Layer is vitally important, we were damaging it and we were right to take action to stop doing so.
Please don't conflate genuine environmental concerns with the complete garbage that is "Man Made Global Warming".
WG, totally agreed.
Pollution is A Bad Thing and should be avoided where sensible, e.g. by not using CFC gases in aerosols. We stopped using them and the problem is AFAIAA stabilising. Panic over.
It is warming...for I detect a frog being boiled.
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