To celebrate the start of 'Ramadan 1428' (f***, these people really do live in The Middle Ages), here's a vignette from work...
A colleague went for lunch today with a Muslim ex-colleague (a nasty back stabbing little shit, as it happens). Apparently, it had to be today, because Ramadan-a-ding-dong starts tomorrow.
I told him he should have postponed 'til tomorrow, had a slap up meal in front of the hungry ex-colleague and toasted his health with a few glasses of fine wine.
And then asked him if he wanted to split the bill.
Where fish walk around on land
1 hour ago
Love the story. It's funny. Is it true because asking someone who didn't eat to split a bill is tacky. (Fuckwad or not it's tacky)
CW, for clarity the first two paragraphs are perfetly true.
The last two paragraphs what II told my friend he SHOULD have done.
Yes, of course I said it to him in real life, but of course it didn't actually happen, it was too late by then.
Ramadan in the summer months is fun because by the end of the evening they are famished and highly irritable which doesnt really help matters.
Personally I think the whole idea is a bit dated
No one in Christendom really observes Lent in the way they should
Ramadan in the summer months is fun
I know. A good way to wind up Muslims is to ask them what they'd do if they lived in the Arctic Circle. Some Ramadan's they'd have to go without food for days or weeks, or even months at the North or South Pole.
Tee hee.
Now this is funny LOL. I think I'm going for a record on comments in one blog in one night here ... but you did say ...
Now that is hilarious. Come the Caliphate we know where to hide....
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