Monday, 4 August 2014

They own land! Give them money!

From The Telegraph:

Home-owners will be offered council tax discounts and house price guarantees to encourage them to accept a new Garden City development in their area, under plans being drawn up by ministers.

Nick Clegg, the Deputy Prime Minister, said he wanted a shortlist of potential locations for up to three new towns, each with more than 15,000 homes, to be published by the end of the year.

He suggested ministers could offer to buy houses adversely affected by disruption during construction at the full market price, in a scheme similar to other major infrastructure projects like the planned High Speed 2 rail line.


mombers said...

[vomits in mouth/]

Bayard said...

"He suggested ministers could offer to buy houses adversely affected by disruption during construction at the full market price,"

It would be amusing if the houses actually went up in value due to the agglomeration effect.

Mark Wadsworth said...

M, sorry.

B, that's the clever bit, Nick Clegg will offer them an option to sell at current value, which is a win-win for our Hard Working Home Owners.