Saturday, 7 April 2012

There was a stupid mistake in the remake of "St Trinian's"

Towards the end of this film, in the final round of School Challenge, Stephen Fry (or at least, the character played by Stephen Fry) asks what the volume of a sphere is, and gives a point (or five points, or whatever) for the answer "Pi r cubed".


It is of course 4/3 Pi r cubed. And these people get subsidies from the UK government?


Alice Cook said...

You expected more from the UK education system?

Mark Wadsworth said...

AC, no, and less each day.

Sarton Bander said...

16/3 slice r cubed... hehe

Pogo said...

Well... If you read Stephen Fry's autobiogs you'll see that he admits to being crap at sums. :-)

Anonymous said...

So you didn't notice the spelling of "Cheltenham Ladies' College" written in big letters on the side of the bus, then?

Mark Wadsworth said...

DTO, no. How did they spell it in the film?

Mark Wadsworth said...

DTO, I checked, it says "Chelteham Ladies' College". Well spotted.