Saturday, 7 April 2012

Forced to retire at 48. On a pension of £64,000 a year.


Ian Hills said...

And free drugs for life

Sarton Bander said...

It's true. They do force people in the force to retire after 30 years. Seems rather odd to me but...

Bill Quango MP said...

Poor chap. Nothing to do but play golf and get badly beaten in mayoral election for the next 40 years.

he'll probably end up having been retired from the police for more years than he worked for them.

Anonymous said...

Male life, aged 50, retiring on index linked pension £68k equals private sector pension fund £2 million - assuming he waives the tax-free cash. Yeah, that'd be right, eh? So let's call it a fund value of at least £2.5 million. Not bad for 30 years, starting as a beat copper.

Ah, my bad. I forgot the eternal police whinge...... "we get good pensions because we pay 11% of our salaries".

They think we're as stupid as they very often are. He'll soon enough find a sinecure on good money , elected or otherwise.