The BBC reports the death of Darya Dugin when her car was blown up. After half a page on which neither disapproval of the act, nor any sympathy for the relatives of the victim is expressed, the article comes out with this:
Darya Dugina was herself a prominent journalist who vocally supported the invasion of Ukraine. Earlier this year she was sanctioned by US and UK authorities, who accused her of contributing to online "disinformation" about Russia's invasion. In May, she described the war as a "clash of civilisations" in an interview and expressed pride in the fact that both she and her father had been targeted by Western sanctions.
Doesn't seem much of a reason for murder, does it?
Trust the Science
3 hours ago
'They' probably just put it down to 'collateral damage', shrug their shoulders and move on.
I'm sure the people responsible think that the only good Russian is a dead Russian, but, up until now, I'd expected better of the BBC.
I suppose So Been would have made more of this if she had been black, from a one parent family, and was an aspiring rapper/female footballer/brain surgeon.
So, Russia bombs nurseries, schools, and residential tower blocks, but Putin is upset because staunch supporter of his pays the ultimate price of that support. Perhaps there's a lesson for him there?
P. are you suggesting that it's OK to kill people simply because they support Putin? Doesn't that also make it OK to kill people who support killing people who support Putin?
BTW, the news that Russia bombs nurseries, schools, and residential tower blocks is brought to you by exactly the same organisations who are being so callous about the murder of a Russian whose only crime was to support her leader. That should tell you something, but it probably doesn't.
P and B. You're both right. war is nasty. There is no 'right side'. One side may be slightly less horrible than the other side - as fighting goes. And one side may have a better claim to rectitude then the other; e.g. WW2 Allies v Axis. But was it 'right' to area bomb German cities? And we can debate the two nuclear attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
My old man witnessed what would now be 'an atrocity'. He was in the Western Desert. His squad was on patrol when they came upon an Arab family that had wandered into a minefield and hit a mine or two. There were dead, dying, and wounded and possibly some unwounded people plus animals. Some of his fellow squaddies were all up for going in and trying to rescue the family. This was (a) very dangerous and may well have cost some men and (b) would have put them way behind schedule and may have cost lives elsewhere. So the officer used his Tommy gun to shoot dead the family...). Judge that now and think about the choices facing the officer? What would you have done?
L, that would apply if it was Ukraine that blew up Darya Dugina, but Kiev is denying this.
B. I am entirely cynical about the claims and counter-claims by Russia and the Ukraine. As this is a sort of civil war the whole thing will be a giant mess and very very nasty.
When I have no idea whether someone is telling the truth, I tend to look at the likelihood of the competing stories. In this case, it seems unlikely that the Russians blew up one of their own. It certainly seems more likely that the Ukranians did it, unless it was one of the secret service agencies, some of whom have quite a bit of previous when it comes to bumping off foreign nationals in the victims' own countries.
I would agree that war is a nasty, messy business, but even that wasn't mentioned by the BBC as it quite easily could have been, instead of indulging in something that looked close to victim-blaming. Imagine the reaction if someone had blown up the daughter of a close friend of Zelensky's. I very much doubt it would have been as cold-blooded as that.
B. BBC = Bias. 'nuff sed. (Oh, and general journalistic incompetence.)
L, does anyone even do journalism any more? AFAICS, all the so-called "news" media do is rehash press releases
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