Ms Knowles, a squeaky clean living God-Botherer in her early 40s, decided to have a go at a bit of 'dirty talk' in one of the the songs on her latest long-playing record.
The disability campaigners are up in arms about the use of the word "spazz".
Had she intended to insult or make fun of people with disabilities, I would wholeheartedly agree with them. Having actually listened to the song with lyrics on YouTube, it is quite clear that she simply doesn't know how to swear properly.
The offending word is in a verse is towards the end of the song which also contains words like "titties" and "pussy", so falls far short of the high bar set by Azalea Banks with "212" over a decade ago, which is gloriously and wantonly filthy and offensive from the start, even with all the swearing edited out.
She invites her sexual partner to "spazz on that ass". From the context it is quite clear that she means "jizz on...","spunk on...", "spaff on..." or possibly "wazz on [my] ass", but she somehow jumbles these words into "spazz". Unless she is verbifying the word "spasm" in the medical sense i.e. an involuntary muscle contraction such as an ejaculation.
Friday, 5 August 2022
Beyoncé - good at singing and dancing, rubbish at filthy lyrics
My latest blogpost: Beyoncé - good at singing and dancing, rubbish at filthy lyricsTweet this!
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Mark Wadsworth
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It's coming to something when you can't even swear without offending one or other hypersensitive group.
Apparently, she's changed it in the streaming version, and new pressings of the CD will presumably have it changed as well, which means that existing copies may become collector's items, although being Beyonce, she has probably already sold too many for there to be any shortage that will lead to collectability.
D, it's a fucking outrage.
RT, apparently there are other lyrics on that album where she has changed, or will change the lyrics. The challenge is presumably to collect the whole set, one edit at a time?
Also, those lyrics show the ubiquity of hardcore pornography, where a sex act that you only see in porn has become so normalised that it is referenced in a pop song.
Known satanist … where have you been two decades, Mark?
JH, who is a known Satanist? I've been at home or at work for the last two decades, occasionally on holiday etc. Nothing unusual.
RT, she is trying to jump on a bandwagon (see also WAP for a pathetic example of the genre) but failing miserably.
This is just the professionally offended following their profession. "Spaz" as an abbreviation for "spastic" is a noun. "Spaz" in the song is a verb.
B, yes, but "spazzing about" means doing badly i.e. "like a spastic" - see e.g. Tiger Woods using this verb to apologise for his poor form.
The Professionally Offended should have referred this to the expert swearing committee, founder members: me and Gordon Fucking Ramsey.
I have a vague memory that in the US spaz means ejaculate. I might be wrong.
JM, hmm, I can't find it on urban dictionary but that sounds plausible.
Banks is a complete amateur. Yo-landi Vi$$er of Die Antwoord
SB, the beat in that song starts off nice and bouncy, but then it descends into Prodigy style with nigh unintelligible lyrics. Difficult to say how offensive it is.
SB, I have just listened to Smack my bitch up to remind myself how it should be done. That song is openly agressive from the start, even before he starts singing/shouting. Glorious. Music to piss off even the most open minded parents.
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